What is the twilight language covertly existing in this event saying? Perhaps there is nothing to be discovered. Or maybe there is more than you wish to know about? "Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden." ~ Phaedrus (Roman fabulist, 15-50 B.C., the first writer to Latinize entire books of fables, retelling in iambic meter the Greek prose tales of Aesop.) Remember, when looking at the events of Columbine, there was intensive exploration of the date, April 20, 1999. It happened to be the 110th anniversary of Adolph Hitler's birthday. What of February 27th? It is also a date of some significance in Nazi history. February 27, 1933 , was the date of the Reichstag fire : Germany 's parliament building in Berlin , the Reichstag , is set on fire. (BTW, the cornerstone of the Reichstag was laid on June 29, 1884, by Kaiser Wilhelm I, who was the patron ...