Liberty Square Self-Immolation
A self-immolation of an elder Chinese man has occurred at Taiwan's Liberty Square, the site of a student sit-in on October 7, 2008.
Liu Po-yen, a 79-year-old man, set himself on fire around noon (local time) on November 11, 2008, at the Square and was rushed to NTU, according to the Taipei Police Bureau
The 79-year-old ignited inflammable liquid on his body and he was then soon put out by the police and passers-by. The old man was sent to National Taiwan University Hospital by ambulance, with 90% total body surface area burn and in critical condition.
According to the inspection chief of Chongcheng First Branch, issuing flyers blasting the government at Liberty Square at noon, the old man suddenly set himself on fire. The elder had poured onto himself some inflammable liquid, possibly gasoline or diesel fuel, said the chief.
The fire department received a report at 1:03 pm of an elder citizen self-immolation. While the ambulance arrived, the fire was doused by people nearby and police officers. The victim was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.
The man left a note in the name of Liu Po-yen (劉柏煙) and burned himself possibly for political reason. He was diagnosed two to three degrees burn and then sent to the burn unit intensive care for subsequent treatment.
According to an Emergency Medicine Department Director, over 10% total body surface area burn was quite serious for an elder person. If over 50%, in addition to the burned areas, other symptoms such as infection, septicemia and breathing problems should also be heeded and the patient’s life may be in critical condition.
Source: Taiwan News
Liu Po-yen, a 79-year-old man, set himself on fire around noon (local time) on November 11, 2008, at the Square and was rushed to NTU, according to the Taipei Police Bureau
The 79-year-old ignited inflammable liquid on his body and he was then soon put out by the police and passers-by. The old man was sent to National Taiwan University Hospital by ambulance, with 90% total body surface area burn and in critical condition.
According to the inspection chief of Chongcheng First Branch, issuing flyers blasting the government at Liberty Square at noon, the old man suddenly set himself on fire. The elder had poured onto himself some inflammable liquid, possibly gasoline or diesel fuel, said the chief.
The fire department received a report at 1:03 pm of an elder citizen self-immolation. While the ambulance arrived, the fire was doused by people nearby and police officers. The victim was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.
The man left a note in the name of Liu Po-yen (劉柏煙) and burned himself possibly for political reason. He was diagnosed two to three degrees burn and then sent to the burn unit intensive care for subsequent treatment.
According to an Emergency Medicine Department Director, over 10% total body surface area burn was quite serious for an elder person. If over 50%, in addition to the burned areas, other symptoms such as infection, septicemia and breathing problems should also be heeded and the patient’s life may be in critical condition.
Source: Taiwan News