Handmade Oil Painting on Canvas (Modern)
Handmade Oil Painting on Canvas (Modern)
Size: 30x30cm, 40x40cm, 50x50cm, 50x60cm, 50x80cm, 60x80cm, 60x90cm, 80x80cm, 90x120cm, 100x100cm.
Stretcher-bar size: 3x3 cm(Standard).
You can apply it to decorate hotel, restaurant, coffee house, hall, living room and so on, also it is a great gift for painting lovers.
* The above Handmade Oil Painting on Canvas (Modern) was contributired and available for wholesale by Nan'an Yihui Painting & Arts Fty Co., Ltd. if you interested in this oil painting, pls contact Mr. Brooke Shu online.