Adolf Hitler's Rare Photo Collection...

                                              Hitler's parents Klara and Alois

Birth certificate of Hitler. 1889 Braunau, Austria

Little Hitler (third from left in bottom row) with classmates. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

                                               School Photography 1901


Hitler in the crowd at Odeonplatz during mobilization of the German army during World War II. Munich, August 2, 1914

Volunteer Hitler (right) in the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army during WWI. 1916

                    Hitler (back row, second from right) at a military hospital. 1918

The rising star of German politics. In 1921.


During the election campaign in 1923.

   Hitler was released from Landsberg prison, where he wrote "Mein Kampf". December 1924

Hitler was in shorts, in 1924. "In some of the photos look like Adolf Hitler a buffoon, but they prove that he was experimenting with his image. That is, Hitler for his time was very modern politician, "- said in the preface of the book« Hitler Was My Friend »(« Hitler was a friend of mine "), Henry Hoffmann (Heinrich Hoffmann), who was Hitler's personal photographer.


"Apocalyptic, visionary and persuasive." Posed photoshoot Heinrich Hoffmann. 1925

                                               Portrait of 1932

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