Sanmarco and Robida Linked?

Am I the only person to see the link between Jennifer Sanmarco who went "postal" Monday last week, and Jason Robida, who went on the attack at a gay bar three days later?

Both had racist points of view. Sanmarco wished to have published in Milan, NM, something to be called "The Racist Press." Robida had a racist and neo-Nazi style site. Sanmarco used a gun to kill mostly women and minorities at her former postal job. Robida used a hachet and gun to attack and injury gays. Later, in Norfolk, Arkansas, he used a gun to kill a law enforcement officer and perhaps his girlfriend.

Sanmarco killed herself. Robida died by "suicide by cop."

People are searching for the "why" today for Robida's cross country rampage.

How are we to know? But perhaps the Sanmarco's event triggered Robida's reaction and mayhem?

What should we expect this week?

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